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Each child   $6250

Financial Assistance Available

Accepting Indiana School Choice applications

Accepting Financial Assistance through the Diocese of Gary

Accepting St. John Bosco Scholarship applications

You will receive a tuition booklet and a payment envelope. Please use the envelope when making payments. Remember ALWAYS to include the payment stub with your check or money order. Your tuition payments should be made payable to St. John Bosco School.

1. Registration: Grades K - 8 = $125.00 per student (1 check per family).
2. Book Fee:: Grades K-8 = $300.00 per student (1 check per family).
3 .Technology Fees: Grades K-8 = $300.00 per student (1 check per family).
5. Participation Fee: Grades K-8 = $250.00 per family (post-dated for May 1, 2025).
Each of these fees should be paid with separate checks or separate money orders. Please make the fees' checks payable to St. John Bosco School. The tuition check should also be made payable to St. John Bosco School. The Participation Fee check make payable to St. John Bosco Home and School Association.

St. John Bosco Pre School 

Full Day Five Day Program

(for 4 & 5 year olds)



Full Day Three Day Program

(for 4 & 5 year olds)



Full Day Two Day Program

(for 3 year olds)

Tuesday & Thursday

St. John Bosco accepts CCDF vouchers and On My Way PK

Deduct $20.00 per month from above pre school prices if one or more children attend grades K-8.

In addition, deduct $50.00 per month from total pre school fee if two or more children are attending pre school.

All Pre School programs are Full-Day, 8:00am-2:35pm.

Accepting St. John Bosco Scholarship Applications

Thank you for your interest in St. John Bosco School!
Tuition Payment


  1. Tuition MUST be prepaid on a 10 payment plan for students in grades K - 8. There will be a $5.00 late fee for each payment that is not received on or before the 1st of each month. There will be no grace period and no post-dated checks will be accepted. If the payment is mailed and postmarked before the 1st of the month, the $5.00 late fee will not be assessed.

  2. Your tuition packet will contain information specifying your tuition costs for the coming school year. Please use the payment booklet and envelopes provided. If tuition is paid in cash, please send the correct amount, change will not be available.

  3. The first tuition payment is due August 10th, and thereafter payments are due ON OR BEFORE the 1st of each month, even if the 1st is a weekend, beginning with the September 1 payment. Failure to keep payments current will result in suspension from school. Tuition payments must be paid in FULL by May 1. Failure to do so will result in report cards and records being held. PAYMENTS MADE BY CHECK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER MAY 15.

  4. All tuition bills must be kept up-to-date. Failure to do so will result in the following:
    a. The child/children will not receive the current report card.
    b. The child/children will not be allowed to attend classes until payment or arrangements have been made.
    c. Transcripts and records will not be given until all school bills are paid.

  5. If a family still owes tuition from previous year the student(s) will not be allowed to enroll for the present year until tuition is fully paid.

  6. Each family will be required to sign a contract stating they will pay all tuition, and fees in full, before the end of the current school year.

Any deviation from the above policy MUST BE DISCUSSED, IN PERSON, with the pastor/principal.
Should a family's check be returned marked "insufficient funds" more than once, we will no longer accept that family's personal checks. It will be necessary for them to use cash, money orders or cashier's checks.

ALL Parents are expected to help with school fundraisers. These fundraisers are necessary in order to keep our high level of education and to keep our buildings in good repair. Tuition alone does not pay for all of this, nor does your regular Sunday collections. Each school year parents will be required to enter into, sign, and follow a FAMILY PARTICIPATION PROGRAM CONTRACT and FUNDRAISING PLEDGE CONTRACT. The Parent Participation Contract requires each family to donate 20 hours of service to the school or church during the school year. The Fundraising Pledge Contract requires each family to raise $300.00 in fundraising money. The Contracts are included with your tuition payment packet. They are to be signed and returned to the school.

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